P3 Gauges V2 Install and Details

Only the OBD2 connection is required for gauge function, all other wires are optional. We suggest connecting the gauge to your OBD2 port and starting your engine to check functionality before installation.

See your QUICK START GUIDE in the box for details.

BROWN = Analog input 1

BLUE = Analog input 2

YELLOW BLACK PURPLE = Analog boost sensor (ABS) connection

GREEN = Dimmer wire*

*Dimmer wire needs to be connected to any wire that ONLY receives power when the headlamps are turned on (does not receive power when headlamps are off)

If the gauge sees more than 5 volts on the green wire, it dims the display, if it does not see voltage on the green wire, it leaves the display bright.

To configure your gauge for auto-dimming-

1- HOLD both buttons until you see "ConF"
2- You will see either "d.On" , "d.On.A" , "d.On.P" or "d.Off".
3- TAP the left button until it says "d.On.A"
4- HOLD the right button to save/exit.

If your green wire is hooked up an acceptable wire for auto-dimming, your gauge will now auto-dim when the headlamps are on.


Operation Details



Available Readouts

boost: Boost/Vacuum. Can be read from MAP sensor through the OBD2 port or by add-on analog boost sensor. Can also be read by wire tapping T-MAP sensor on some BMWs. Boost is shown in PSI and vacuum is shown in inHg. Can also be configured to read boost/vacuum in BAR.

Coolant: Coolant temp. Unlike the needle on your dash, this will show you your exact coolant temp. This reading can be configured to read in either Celsius or Fahrenheit.

Air: Intake air temperature. This is the reading of the temperature of the air entering the engine. Can be read in either Celsius or Fahrenheit.

Igntn: Ignition timing. This shows the time at which the spark plug is fired in relation to the position of the piston. Measured in degrees before or after TDC (Top Dead Center)

Egt: Exhaust Gas Temperature. This is the temperature of the exhaust gas as it exits your engine. Can be read in either Celsius or Fahrenheit.

throttle: Throttle position. This is the measurement of how far the throttle plate is opened. Can be measured in either percentage or degrees depending on your vehicle.

rp-Shift: Engine speed/RPM. Also has a programmable shift light that can be set in the configuration menu. Measured in rotations per minute.

Speed: Unadjusted vehicle speed taken from ECU. This reading is not adjusted like your speedometer is. A small percentage is added to the speed shown on the cluster (in addition to the unadjusted speed) by the manufacturer for legal reasons. May vary from speed shown on cluster. Can be measured in either MPH or Km/h.

0-60: 0-60 acceleration timer. Starts automatically as soon as vehicle speed leaves 0.0 MPH and stops automatically as soon as vehicle speed reaches 60 MPH. Time will display until vehicle comes to a stop. Measured in seconds. (Reads 0-100 when configured to Km/H)

batt: Battery Voltage. This can be used to monitor battery and alternator performance. Measured in volts.

*Additional Readouts with optional Track Pack software upgrade (also read through OBD2 port)

AFr: Air/Fuel Ratio. Shows you how rich or lean your engine is running. Measured in XX.XX parts air to 1 part fuel.

0-100: 0-100 acceleration timer. Starts automatically as soon as vehicle leaves 0.0 MPH and stops automatically as soon as the vehicle reaches 100 MPH. Time will display until vehicle comes to a stop. Measured in seconds. (Reads 0-160 when configured to Km/H)

60-130: 60-130 acceleration timer. Starts automatically as soon as vehicle speed goes above 60.0 MPH and stops automatically as soon as the vehicle speed reaches 130 MPH. Time will display until vehicle comes to a stop. Measured in seconds. (Reads 100-210 when configured to Km/H)

60-0: 60-0 braking timer. Starts automatically as soon as vehicle speed drops below 60.0 MPH and stops automatically as soon as the vehicle speed reaches 0 MPH. Time will display until vehicle begins moving again. Measured in seconds. (Reads 100-0 when gauge is configured to Km/H)

100-0: 100-0 braking timer. Starts automatically as soon as vehicle speed drops below 100.0 MPH and stops automatically as soon as the vehicle speed reaches 0 MPH. Time will display until vehicle begins moving again. Measured in seconds. (Reads 160-0 when configured to Km/H)

Peak Recall, Record, and Playback Features Explained.

The gauge offers peak recall of the PEAK VALUE on the selected mode, since the last recall, or since the vehicle was started. In addition to this, for 2008+ model year cars the gauge also stores peaks for EgT, Air, Coolant in the background, so that you can switch to that mode later, after a lap for example, and recall your peak temperatures. A quick tap of the left button will show your peak value.

The 15 seconds record/playback feature is available on CAN-bus vehicles only, and provides a way for you to see 15 seconds of historical data from the current mode. Recording is started when the peak recall button is pressed. Simply tap peak recall and make a pull. When you are able to look at the gauge again, hold the peak recall button and the gauge will show you the first 15 seconds of data from that mode, as well as RPM scaled onto the bar graph readout.

Code Reading / Code Clearing / Extended BMW “Dealer Level” Code Reading.

For 2008+ vehicles, code reading is performed automatically on startup. For pre-2008 vehicles, you must enable code reading in the configuration menu.

Code reading at startup is disabled by default on pre-2008 model year cars because the code reading process on older vehicles can take up to 10 seconds, and it would delay startup.

Extended BMW Code Reading.
Extended dealer level codes will be read out for E8X/E9X and 2008+ E6X model and MINI vehicles.

The configuration menu (see config directions for details) contains a Clr.C option. Use this to clear codes.

To clear codes in your vehicle-
1- Start the car
2- Enter the configuration menu
*On some 2014+ vehicles you may need to be KOEO (key/ignition on, engine off) from this point forward in order to successfully clear codes
3- Scroll to the "Clr.C" option
4- HOLD the left button until the screen goes blank or "Clrd" is displayed

Configuring your OBD2 Multi-Gauge V2


Display Options: d.On / d.Off / d.On.A / d.On.P

d.On = default setting, gauge always starts in bright mode

d.Off = Lockout / Valet, display off. Enter config with car OFF to re-enable from valet.

On.A = Auto dimmer (must attach green wire on OBD2 harness to circuit that only receives power when headlamps are on)

On.P = persistent dimmer, (stays on last setting until changed)

Units setting: En.Y / En.n / En.b / En.c 

En.Y= (English) Boost in PSI / Speed in MPH / Temperature in Fahrenheit

En.n = (Metric) Boost in BAR / Speed in Km/H / Temperature in Celsius

En.b = Boost in PSI, all other data in Metric

En.c = Temperature in Celsius, all other data in English (not available on k-line software)

Boost Pressure Resolution: Pr0.1 / Pr0.5 / Pr0 0.1

Pr0.1 = Boost shown in 1/10th PSI increments

Pr0.5 = Boost rounded down to nearest 1/2 PSI

Pr0 = Boost rounded down to nearest whole number PSI

Vacuum Bar graph: U.bg.Y / U.bg.n 

U.bg.Y= Bar graph indicates boost by moving left to right. Bar graph indicates vacuum by moving right to left

U.bg.n= Bar graph indicates boost by moving left to right. Bar graph does not indicate vacuum.

Shift Light: SL.xx 

RPM shown in x100= ("SL.57"= Shift light.5700 RPM) Can be set from 30-99

Boost Reading Selection: bSt.d / bSt.A / bSt.n / bSt.F / bSt.c

bSt.d= digital boost read through OBD2 port

bSt.A= analog boost read through add-on analog boost sensor

bSt.n= no boost displayed (naturally aspirated)

bSt.F= digital boost read through OBD2 port on certain flashed ECUs (see configuration chart for details)

bSt.c= digital boost read through OBD2 port from charge pipe MAP sensor (see configuration chart for details)

Analog Input Configuration (see the analog inputs section for details): A1.n / A1.Y / A2.n / A2.Y

A1.n= Analog input 1 (brown on wire OBD2 harness) disabled

A1.Y= Analog input 1 (brown wire on OBD2 harness) enabled

A2.n= Analog input 2 (blue wire on OBD2 harness) disabled

A2.Y= Analog input 2 (blue wire on OBD2 harness) enabled

Car Selection: CAr.x / Anl.g (not available on all models)

CAr.x= Select the appropriate car setting according to the configuration chart

Anl.g= "Analog only" mode. Allows gauge to read only Boost and battery voltage without communicating on the vehicle network. Requires add-on analog boost sensor

Code Clearing: Clr.C

HOLD the left button until screen goes blank or "Clrd" is displayed to clear codes. See Code Reading and Clearing section above for details.

Code Reading enable/disable (K-Line vehicles only): rdC.n / rdC.Y

rdC.n= Code reading disabled (gauge not delayed on startup)

rdC.Y= Code reading enabled (gauge may be delayed on startup)

Analog Boost Sensor Calibration (required after installing analog sensor): CaL.b

(with your engine and ignition completely off)
1- TAP the left button (the gauge will then say "open air sensor" or "shut off engn" and then "TAP.1")
2- TAP the left button again (the screen will then flash a few times and then shut off)
3- Wait 10 seconds
4- start your car and check your reading

You can also double-check this by unplugging the hose from your analog sensor while the car is running. If the gauge shows "0.0" with the hose unplugged, it is calibrated correctly.

Advanced Protocol Setting: Sh.A / Sh.Y / Sh.n / Sh.P 

Vehicle specific software protocol adjustments (See configuration list for details, use Sh.A unless otherwise directed

View, Download, and print the handy menu configuration map below.

Analog Inputs

The multi-gauge harness has 3 linear analog inputs, 2 of which can be used as universal displays for ANY 0-5v sensor with a linear ascending output. The 3rd is used for the Analog Boost Sensor. Do not hook up a device that sends more than 5 volts or you WILL damage the control box.

If your sensor requires a 5v power source, you can use the PURPLE wire on the gauge harness.

To enable an analog input, enter the config menu and set the A1 input to Y for yes.
After doing this, 3 new options will appear:

A1.DP, analog 1 decimal point position.
The gauge will show 9999 on the screen, and tapping the first button will move the decimal point.

A1.Lo, analog 1 Low volt
Ov reading which the gauge will show when it sees ZERO volts on the input. -999 through 9999

A1.Hi, analog 1 High volts
5v reading, which the gauge will show when it sees FIVE volts on the input. -999 through 9999

A1.bL and A1.bH, limits of the bargraph for that input.
L is the bargraph start, H is the bargraph end.
You can leave these the same, or shrink the range for better visibility.


According to the LC-1 wideband controller documentation, Analog output 2 is the 0-5v output.

LC-1/2 default output is 0V = 7.35 AFR and 5V = 22.39 AFR.

To configure our gauge to show this on the first analog input, we would use the following settings:
A1.DP, 2 decimal points, 99.99
A1.Lo, 7.35
A1.Hi, 22.39
A1.bL, 7.35
A1.bH, 22.39

After putting these settings onto the analog input, the gauge will show proper AFR displayed in the Analog 1 gauge mode which will appear in the running mode as AN 1.

Troubleshooting Checklist

Make sure the gauge is set to d.On ... if you set the gauge to display off (d.Off) you will need to have the car OFF to re-enter config by holding both buttons.

Make sure the obd2 connection is secure, try unplugging and replugging it a few times with the car running. Some ports can be stiff.

Check the chart at the top of this page, if your vehicle has a K-Line box, try setting it to Car.3

Check your obd2 port fuse; on a fuse chart this will usually say OBD or DLC.

Is your vehicle compatible?
Check the chart at the top of this page to make sure, read the notes section for details.

If you are still having problems, please email support@urotuning.com or call 813-444-7021

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