As the originators of WookiePipe Atlas Resonator Delete we our proud to offer this version for the 2.0T Atlas. Our kit removes the restrictive OEM suitcase resonator and replaces it with a precision mandrel bent stainless steel delete pipe. It retains use of both of the OEM exhaust hanger locations and only one cut is required to slip the 2.0T KimPipe into place. All pipes come complete with clamps and printed step-by-step instructions. The result is an exhaust note you can enjoy without upsetting your fellow passengers!
Fitment confirmed for both the 2.0T Atlas and the 2.0T Atlas Cross Sport!
Note - With the stock downpipe in place the volume change is noticeable during cold start and slightly noticeable from outside the car. Once warm from inside the cabin there is very little audible change in volume. Paired with an upgraded downpipe the difference once installed is profound.